The Wonders Of Xi

As we all have been recently graced with the Xi space known as "the hub"

Today we were treated to a veru curious picture regarding xi(picture below)

Now this picture reminds me of the GDC 2007 version of home but mixed with the version of home that we now have

May be a colabaration who know's but this does raise some questions as to what to expect from it below is a quote from the pictures uploader

"Now, you know I love new things. New = interesting = entertainment. But I suppose what we are talking about here is *the unknown*. Fear of change. Some people thrive on it - the pragmatists and the mad, if you ask me – but when it comes down to it, I’m far more comfortable with what I know: the comfort movie I’ve seen 30 times, the exact same chili recipe every time I see my family. The comfort of the familiar.
The unknown is scary because eventually luck always runs out.
I look at this picture of… who-knows-what? Is it a place? They tell me it’s mutating and while everyone else is popping veins trying to find it, I can’t help thinking that maybe we should hold back. Maybe our luck has finally run out."

Confused.So am i but what i noticed is near the top right there is clock is it of any significance ?

After another exploration of the hub i came across this (Picture Below)

Now this was took by myself after going to the Xi door and altering the camera.

What it is is a 5th holopod but it is nowhere to be seen within the hub area so makes you wonder was this the missing texture ?


Check out the Xi Wiki page!

Finding Wally!

The Finding Wally event shall take place today, about an hour from now. I'm excited and can't wait. Will be interesting to see how my second go fares to my first.

Wish me luck!

(Will update after event)

EDIT: Was a success me thinks.

Organization this time around was much better than one before. Had an easy time, had time for myself. No running around and trying to answer PMs as fast as possible.

Turn out was perfect, about 12 I believe too part. Was fun to organize will wait for a bit until more spaces are released before I make another one.

That said, hopefully I'll get some pictures up.

Edit by RISHI-O:
Here's a link to information of the EU Home Community Event: Finding Wally!

We ended up finding a SCEE meeting in JP

In the Japan Cafe you'll find that there's a meeting room there. We ended up walking in on the meeting and boy where the results beyond mad.

We had fun, but apparently, after reviewing vids taken it is too boring. Shall try to add links later :)

(You'd have to click link, can't seem to get to embed vid)

SCEE meeting link!

Me and CAPE_FEAR finally flew together

It was a magic moment.
CAPE_FEAR flew the plane, then I flew the Helicopter. Shame we couldnt keep the feet inside, bit reminisent of The Flintstones in their waggon.

Bubble Wars

Don't you ever now and then find your self doing something strange all the time with a certain user? That's the case with me, I found my self, for a while might I add, been having a 'bubble war' with Marie. She'd usually start it by attacking me using her bubble machine, which of course I'd soon do and follow suit. It's a never ending cycle of chatting and keeping vigilant that the evil Marie might attempt to bubble me...

How about you? When you think about it, what strange habbits to you share with another Home user?

EDIT by milnerant : Strange habbits i share are...
Talking about food and what im eating or wanting to eat with practically everyone. Being called a loser approximately 50 times a day (it hurts, i have feelings you know)
Talking about the RA and hunting methods
Waving and then pressing kiss at Miss Born everytime we meet
Always having the call of nature whenever I go to the MVP quiz night.

Helghast/ISA a day in the life of....

Played sit down in a line and all did a move in time, here's the video link...

So I aint posted the fact Im one of maybe 2 people in the UK who have the honour of being given a code for the oufit from Ted himself. So here goes....

Who looks better in the last one? me or Nero?

First sign of madness...

Is talking to yourself. I was asleep for like 40 mins cos i was meant to get a cuppa. It turned into beer with lemon tarte, and came back to this conversation logged into the chatlog by mr RoboHaggis....

Journal Entry 3: For the mother land!

I never thought this day would actually come but it did. The Helgast are invading home and each day more and more of them are appearing. Could they have possibly found us out? I hear Rishi has joined the dark side, he could be a potential spy now. I must not share any more information with him. Ali, I believe, is still on my side. Although, I can be sure of nothing.

...This is the final strech, it's now or never. We shall take down the KZ2 servers and soon too...


...Or something with that effect...

(Sorry for the quality of the photos)

Finally Osama has been found, hiding amonst us all!!!

Photo says it all!

Helghast troops take over Playstation Home!

The biggest Playstation game at the moment is of course Killzone 2, made by the dutch team Guerrilla Games.

To promote this shooter, our dutch moderators decided to dress up as Helghan troops.
I've had the luck of meeting these Helghasts, when i was hanging around with my english friends in Home.

Despite all rumours and stories that the Helghast are a dangerous and deadly race, we had a great time with them. I have come to the conclusion that the Helghast have gotten a bad reputation not based on facts. The Helghasts are very similar to us, they have a great sense of humour, and they can dance really good.
One of the Helghasts told me in confidence that they love stroopwafels and dutch cheese.(Stroopwafel=a dutch sweet made of crunchy wafles and sweet syrup)
This information must not get in the hands of the ISA.

So the next time you login to Home, and you happen to come across a Helghast, don't be afraid, they come in peace and try to make fun in Home. Be nice to them, and maybe they will give you a Helghan costume, although I haven't succeeded in getting one myself...

Here is a photo impression of the events that took place.

We met the Helghasts in the new resident evil space.

This Helghast didn't say much.

Everybody wanted to meet them.

Helghasts love dancing.

This is the Helghast who told me all their secrets, like the one about cheese.

The Helghast trying to open the Xi gate.

The Helghasts only came here to see our bubblemachines.

ClubHouse : Poltergeist Activity!

Strange goings on in my Clubhouse. My mates 'The Bears', so they call themselves, were having a picnic meeting. I assumed theyd be a while so I just left em to it. Came back an hour later, and something went dreadfully wrong. To quote my crime scene assessor, "All bears died instantly, this means death"

Before paranormal activity... pleasant, welcoming, innocent even...

Things turned evil, 1 hour later, with one strand of evidence, some hair....

About 3 days later, after the crime scene was fully investigated, I thought the paranormal case was closed. i was wrong. Infact things went slightly too strange for words, Britnerant's face says it all, shock horror...

A floating Duck, and notice I ain't even placing objects as Im writing

Thats actually not the end of it, its disconnection hell! I have reports of at least 4 types of DC. Ive had one of the rarest ones you can get.

Last thing, I placed a bear, you know, just placed as in accidentally dropped from the ceiling. And it went through the floor and got cemented into the, well, ....cement

If anyone doesn't know who to call, call The HomeBusters! Anyone else having paranormal activity in Home? Report here, and it may make the News at 3am :smileywink:

Ever had one like this..

Its time to start name and shame campaign against the Random Abusers that spoil home or others.
This particular pvt msg was sent to me last nite, the guy would not give in, ok i fired up at him but in self defense and maybe i made things worse fr doing so. But why should i move on when im talking to a friend and a RA butts in...

EDIT : NEWS JUST IN!!!!! (by milnerant)

I have just witnessed the fact this particular RA is still within the HOME boundary. It did not speak, i think it was waiting for its next victim! Notice its a female avatar!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I made a new friend!!!

His names Fred, he works on the set of Resident Evil. He has 2 children, one drools blood from the mouth, the other has panic attacks, and has to take anti-anxiety medication, dont know why really. He says he speaks to Chris Redfield a lot and that his friend Claire said she gets a lot of PMT on set. He seemed friendly, didn't say much, I think its the restrictions with the NDA...

He taught me how to model too!!!!!!!!

Xi - AlphaZone is almost here!!

Look what I found in the Home Square!

It looks like Xi/AlphaZone is going to hit Playstation Home very soon.

Teleporting to this secret area is currently restricted!
Anyways the waiting is almost over, we'll soon find out what Xi/AlphaZone actually is!
Here's a picture of me posing in front of the Xi sign.
Damn I look good!!!!


Journal Entry 2: The End is Nigh

They must have learned about my scheme to crash the kz2 server. (Check older post). I tried logging in today but for some reason I cannot. First the bear assassination and now this...Everything is working against my team..

I have also learned that the watchmen game has been released yesterday...And with the movie being released tomorrow it all seems conveniently timed.

Conspiracy? Surely, but how are the strings connected....How I wonder...Soon...Soon it shall all be made clear.

Ali, Rishi...We'll have to lay low for a while. Who knows who might be watching...We can't risk any more lives and souls.

PlayStation Trophies available in online profile.

Although this is not actually Home related, you might find the following very interesting.

From now on it is possible to view your playstation trophies online, on the website. You can now compare trophies with your friends, or just show them them to the world. Very interesting indeed, I hope we will see this feature on the EU-website(MyPSN) very soon. It would be a very nice addition to your online profile!

Click on the picture below to see the post on the US Playstion Blog.

Journal Entry 1: Going to crash KZ2 server

That's it, I've decided that I'm going to crash the killzone 2 server. My bear army has been assassinated. But no matter, I think I can depend on Ali and Rishi to help me take down the vile server.

To war!

Don't be late for detention Rishi!

Rishi (or the womaniser as he'll now be called ;) ) has detention now on Home.

Hot Teacher Satuli has punished him for being the womaniser he is. (At least that's the excuse I got) Don't forget detention now, Rishi! ....And why not take a camera with you too? :P