Red Bull Air Race - Rotterdam Highlights 2008

Playstation Home has a little thing called Red Bull Air Race; stunt flying taken to the MAX.

Our friend Milnerant aka wolvyant is currently the record holder with a best time of 47.75 seconds! A great achievement!

Here are some highlights of the 2008 race in Rotterdam and an introduction by former dutch Red Bull Air Race pilot Frank Versteegh. Rotterdam is my home town, and I wanted to share this with you guys, maybe you can use this in Playstation Home and beat Milnerants time.

Although the chance of beating Milnerants time is almost impossible! RESPECT!


And of course Milnerants amazing Red Bull Air Race run:

Mutants taking over Playstation Home!

I bet you've heard about the X-Men, mutants that possess special powers.

Well now it seems that mutants are taking over Playstation Home, here are some pictures of sightings of these so called Mutants. Mutants have special abilities and powers like shape-shifting, super human strength, morphing, telekinesis, mind control, X-ray vision, and so on...

This Mutant is called Ultranova, she can walk through objects like solid walls, furniture, stairs and sofa's. It has been reported that she also has the ability to turn invisible, although no proof of this claim has ever been documented. Be nice to her and she won't cause you any harm.

This creature has no name, it is a shape-shifter. Shape-shifters can change into any form that they choose, they can even steal your identity. If you ever see someone who looks just like you, don't worry the shape-shifters won't hurt you! Here are some examples of the many shapes they can turn into.

Please be advised that these mutants mean no harm to normal/mortal human beings, they are completely harmless, no need to have any fears! The mutants only use their powers against RA's!