I made a new friend!!!

His names Fred, he works on the set of Resident Evil. He has 2 children, one drools blood from the mouth, the other has panic attacks, and has to take anti-anxiety medication, dont know why really. He says he speaks to Chris Redfield a lot and that his friend Claire said she gets a lot of PMT on set. He seemed friendly, didn't say much, I think its the restrictions with the NDA...

He taught me how to model too!!!!!!!!

Xi - AlphaZone is almost here!!

Look what I found in the Home Square!

It looks like Xi/AlphaZone is going to hit Playstation Home very soon.

Teleporting to this secret area is currently restricted!
Anyways the waiting is almost over, we'll soon find out what Xi/AlphaZone actually is!
Here's a picture of me posing in front of the Xi sign.
Damn I look good!!!!


Journal Entry 2: The End is Nigh

They must have learned about my scheme to crash the kz2 server. (Check older post). I tried logging in today but for some reason I cannot. First the bear assassination and now this...Everything is working against my team..

I have also learned that the watchmen game has been released yesterday...And with the movie being released tomorrow it all seems conveniently timed.

Conspiracy? Surely, but how are the strings connected....How I wonder...Soon...Soon it shall all be made clear.

Ali, Rishi...We'll have to lay low for a while. Who knows who might be watching...We can't risk any more lives and souls.