The Wonders Of Xi

As we all have been recently graced with the Xi space known as "the hub"

Today we were treated to a veru curious picture regarding xi(picture below)

Now this picture reminds me of the GDC 2007 version of home but mixed with the version of home that we now have

May be a colabaration who know's but this does raise some questions as to what to expect from it below is a quote from the pictures uploader

"Now, you know I love new things. New = interesting = entertainment. But I suppose what we are talking about here is *the unknown*. Fear of change. Some people thrive on it - the pragmatists and the mad, if you ask me – but when it comes down to it, I’m far more comfortable with what I know: the comfort movie I’ve seen 30 times, the exact same chili recipe every time I see my family. The comfort of the familiar.
The unknown is scary because eventually luck always runs out.
I look at this picture of… who-knows-what? Is it a place? They tell me it’s mutating and while everyone else is popping veins trying to find it, I can’t help thinking that maybe we should hold back. Maybe our luck has finally run out."

Confused.So am i but what i noticed is near the top right there is clock is it of any significance ?

After another exploration of the hub i came across this (Picture Below)

Now this was took by myself after going to the Xi door and altering the camera.

What it is is a 5th holopod but it is nowhere to be seen within the hub area so makes you wonder was this the missing texture ?


Check out the Xi Wiki page!