Playstation Home Q&A

Playstation Home Q&A
Originally uploaded by wolvyant
I was invited as a witness in Home's first Q&A. Drvixx was chosen as the host to ask 10 questions to the Home Community manager 'TedTheDog' & Dan Hill (PSN:drexl, Home Business Manager)

It went very well & enjoyed the process, even got to have my say on a few things. Love the duck, has some symbolic meaning for me, as I am a renowned virtual Duck killer ;)

( I think I look the best ironed out of the males ;))

Please join the Playstation Home Flickr group. Lot's of images from the recent Q&A's from the Star Trek And Watchmen events with the cast and production crew/director.

Playstation Home Flickr group

(I also Moderate the group now)

Resistance 2 mini-game reward

Originally uploaded by wolvyant
I won the Hoody last night playing the mini-game in Resistance 2 space in Home. Basically you have to get over 1 million points to unlock it. There are 2 versions, 1 male, 1 female.

My advice is to observe where the enemy ships spawn from. Make sure you fir ahead of where the planes are flying, then every time the delivery crafts approac, you must always try and get them to deliver the health and ammo. The ammo is most important to kill off the mother ship.

There are 4 types of waves. After the first 4, it changes slightly, however the spawns are the same, but the speed of the ships gets quicker.

Pimp my Avatar does Vampire!

Originally uploaded by wolvyant
Here's a new avatar i made using the new beards and clothing in Home. Looks like vamp from Metal Gear Solid!