Playstation Home Q&A

Playstation Home Q&A
Originally uploaded by wolvyant
I was invited as a witness in Home's first Q&A. Drvixx was chosen as the host to ask 10 questions to the Home Community manager 'TedTheDog' & Dan Hill (PSN:drexl, Home Business Manager)

It went very well & enjoyed the process, even got to have my say on a few things. Love the duck, has some symbolic meaning for me, as I am a renowned virtual Duck killer ;)

( I think I look the best ironed out of the males ;))

Please join the Playstation Home Flickr group. Lot's of images from the recent Q&A's from the Star Trek And Watchmen events with the cast and production crew/director.

Playstation Home Flickr group

(I also Moderate the group now)

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