What time is it? Red Bull time!!!!

Flying has got to be my new hobby, i never used to like heights, but now Im just addicted. Planes, planes, planes, planes, planes.

Ok so we went on a tour again, and just went to see what the time was as Red Bull was calling. Anyways, our method of transport wasnt that fast so we went looking for other modes of transport.....

The cars seemed too small, so i had to get over the fact i couldnt fly them.

oh well, drvixx will just have to do for now, shes a fast ride ;)

Street Fighter IV - Brings new clothes to Home!

The highly anticipated fighting game Street Fighter IV gives Home users new gifts, in this case new costumes and items of clothing. These can be unlocked by playing the game.

After the Namco Museum, it would seem that more games will have features adding some nice extra's for you to play with...
Here's our Top Model Silver-Surver
showing her latest clothes!

Hmmmm you rock my Stroopwafel Sil!!!