Bubble Wars

Don't you ever now and then find your self doing something strange all the time with a certain user? That's the case with me, I found my self, for a while might I add, been having a 'bubble war' with Marie. She'd usually start it by attacking me using her bubble machine, which of course I'd soon do and follow suit. It's a never ending cycle of chatting and keeping vigilant that the evil Marie might attempt to bubble me...

How about you? When you think about it, what strange habbits to you share with another Home user?

EDIT by milnerant : Strange habbits i share are...
Talking about food and what im eating or wanting to eat with practically everyone. Being called a loser approximately 50 times a day (it hurts, i have feelings you know)
Talking about the RA and hunting methods
Waving and then pressing kiss at Miss Born everytime we meet
Always having the call of nature whenever I go to the MVP quiz night.

Helghast/ISA a day in the life of....

Played sit down in a line and all did a move in time, here's the video link...

So I aint posted the fact Im one of maybe 2 people in the UK who have the honour of being given a code for the oufit from Ted himself. So here goes....

Who looks better in the last one? me or Nero?