Ode to a RA..

This little group of words appeard on the EU.Playstation forum one saturday morning, by request it has been posted here, thanks for the comments from all who's posted in reply on there.. so without much more further ado, i present to all users of this blog with a special one off verse added just for this Blog..


Its midday when i awake
PS3's still on "oh great"
I fell asleep in front of it
in hub i thinks where i left it.

A user there in front of me
trying hard to talk to me
because i havent answerd him
he gets quite rude and calls me him

he asked me twice if i like sex
he asks again "do you like sex"
then he says i am a bum
and that he wants to do my mum.

I stand infront of him quite quiet
laughing hard its such a riot
to see this fool in front of me
im laughing still i need a wee

are you gay he says to me
you girl in home so you must be
a guy that likes to be a girl
so friends you make in such a whirl

Im not a man my point you see
we are all what we want to be
a boy a girl who really it doesnt scare
as long as friends you make are there

Oh my god here comes another
does he want to do my mother
no he stops and says to him
where you from im full of gin

had a night out on the razzle
come back in home to cause some trouble
i still standing there so very quiet
Home is such a flippin riot

Who's this bint do you know her
you look nice you shave your fur
lick my nuts you silly moo
Bloody hell he's full of Poo

The friends ive met since ive been here
are stretched a far to some quite near
i hope one day we all can meet
throw a party that cant be beat.

I hope to see you guys quite soon
until that time lets make some room
for the RA in square and hub
just let them have their little rub.