Missed Monday Night Quiz Night, Again!

Today is Monday, and for some reason I decided to absolutely neglect the fact that on this very day was the MVP Quiz Night. This is the second time in a row I do this! I'm quite disappointed as the couple of nights that I DID attend where in fact quite fun and worth showing up to.

So naturally, my sheer jealousy of those who joined made me end up going to the event thread, as usual it seems as if the same format took place with lots of randomness ensured. Black13 ended up winning.

Carl_Birch was also kind enough to allow me to use some of the pictures off that thread.

(Click on images to enlarge)

Developers love Home

So unless you've been living under some sort of rock, you would without a doubt have come by the picture above which shows the developers supporting Home basically. While it is quite promising seeing Koei, Sega, Konami and Activision join the party (Along with all the others). I couldn't help but notice the lack of SquareEnix and Rockstar.

Eventually, those developers might be tempted to join but for now apparently, they'll be staying out of it. Although all is not gloom. I should be glad for what's to come. Sega means most probably Sonic would be coming in one form or another to Home, Koei would maybe mean the addition of some sort of Dynasty Warriors thing, we could see Konami introduce a space similar to EA to support MGS and PES series and Activision could also introduce a space of their own.

All in all, Home just needs a few more features (Game Launching for gods sake!) and it would be closing in to it's potential and promise.

This is how you take 'em down

A group of us came across a delightful fellow, who seemed to like hanging around with us. Thing is, he kept abusing us, but it was hysterical as his comebacks were reminiscent of primary school. Anyway, we all started surrounding the guy doing the running man, and started making words out of Tom... As you can see.