Finding Wally...Delays...Delays...Delays...

Now not every one would know this, but i have hosted a Finding Wally thread.

I know its says Waldo, but it has been changed to Wally. Like someone pointed out Wally is EU while Waldo is US. Either way, it was planned to have another go 2 weeks ago. But due to events not working correctly i had to delay. I was planning for yesterday but it was Valentines day so I had to delay.

And now I look at my clues and check if they still there I discover they changed certain things rendering my clues useless. I have to make the clues all over again. And with college I'm busy most of the time...Eventually, I'll get my act together, but for now, I see no foreseeable date for the next event.

Valentine's Day on Home...Perfect.

Now I should perhaps first of all mention what was up on Valentines day. Well loads basically. But most notable perhaps is that MB announced that on Valentines day the mod team will roam Home and take pictures with us. There was one condition though. You had to sport pink hair!

Naturally, Carla made an event of her own. And it was simply great. We all ended up in her club house (Although due to some technical problems it took a while for others to join) Eventually Ted joined us too. He also gave us a kind of Q$A ;). From the things we learned from him are these two.

1. They working on music, most probably streaming music like in youtube.

Also, there are loads of improvements expected for Home. Game Launching to be coming along nicely. A comment Ted said was that even the most pessimistic people would be impressed. That has to be good, right!?

Either way, it was a blast, loads of LBP tracks where played and a big hit was the PSP ad.

All in all, it was a blast :)