Things to do when you don't know what to do, but really do know. Except knowing how you do isn't how you don't?

A few things to do when you seriously are bored-er than watching paint dry on a wall (except i actually find that fascinating, its true)

Talk to the Mannequins, no one even seems to notice they are there sometimes, and most people don't know they actually talk back sometimes in yellow writing. Weird though, they all have the same names.

Then there is of course the absolutely pointless Far Cry Office area which comes complete with piles of books, an unwashed filthy mattress. Delightful scenery through the blinds. A locked door. More blinds with stunning views. A few benches. All at the same time you feel so overwhelmed with claustrophobia you want to jump out of the blinded windows and peg it towards the chairs outside for something to do. Other things to see are the Ra, they are everywhere in the Office, mainly around the disgustingly stained bed. Now I know where they all spawn from!

So, all this detail wasted in a little office, so much to see, yet absolutely nothing to do whatsoever.

You gotta be kidding me!? WHITE FROS!?

I shit you not. Last night while walking in the Home Square there I found a group of people in White fros. Yes White fros. Madness I tell you! Madness! Naturally I rounded up the troops and we all geared up and called the Fro Police. In a matter of minutes a force of Red Fros was assembled. I gave the battle cry and we charged the white fros.

...Only I think they didn't get the message.... Instead of submitting to the awesomeness that is the Red Fro They instead started hitting on us! And even joining the Red Fro ranks while still sporting the White Fros!

...Madness, it was, but in the end, the red fro made a point. And that is you can never replace the original red fro!

Red fro for life.

Case: 58399, Bubble Abuse

Bubble abuse is becoming more and more common in and around the Home platform. Its a new craze wiping people out unnexpectedly.

What happens is basically, the victim is seen to wait until they have 'fallen asleep' or 'back soon'. Then the Bubble Abuser/s make their move, and plant their abuse weapon in extreme range of the said victim. Unfortunately there is nothing to stop this craze from happening, you can tell this victim in particular is a rare case of multiple bubbles attacking.

If anyone see's or knows anything of these new sitings, or have witnessed such vile attacks, please report the case to the HSI (Home Scene Investigation)

Thanks to RISH-O for this witness photo. (my bubble machine is mid-right, cough*)