Case: 58399, Bubble Abuse

Bubble abuse is becoming more and more common in and around the Home platform. Its a new craze wiping people out unnexpectedly.

What happens is basically, the victim is seen to wait until they have 'fallen asleep' or 'back soon'. Then the Bubble Abuser/s make their move, and plant their abuse weapon in extreme range of the said victim. Unfortunately there is nothing to stop this craze from happening, you can tell this victim in particular is a rare case of multiple bubbles attacking.

If anyone see's or knows anything of these new sitings, or have witnessed such vile attacks, please report the case to the HSI (Home Scene Investigation)

Thanks to RISH-O for this witness photo. (my bubble machine is mid-right, cough*)

1 reacties:

silver said...

I was going to administer SS with a handkerchief full of Chloroform but i realised she was already in a comatosed state.
My bubble machine is the one that is spitting bubles near Star`s LC ;)

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