Another Day, Another random time.

It started off with me losing a game in the chess tournament I was taking part of, I was winning too but then par usual lost focus and all went to hell from there on. Either way, I lost, I lose focus, I lost interest and simply got bored. Nothing new there if I'm completely honest.

During the game though I was getting spammed with invites, and for good reason about 10 or more of us had gathered together. And of course, with such a large group of us in one spot. It was hard to follow. The topics spanned from emos to valentines day event and so on, I must admit though, one of the topics did in fact bother me but sometimes you have to throw your hands up in the air and just say "So what".

That said you'll see in the picture both Milnerant and myself. Yes, I dressed as an emo at the pitful attempt of making fun of the extremely hard lives they all lead. I should not at all say anything about it or they may cut themselves. I am sorry for their pain and sorrow and heartbreaking. It's all too much to bear!

...It's fun though ;)

1 reacties:

milnerant said...

lol We are such losers haha. maybe one day all this networking crap will lead somewhere lol

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