Journal Entry 2: The End is Nigh

They must have learned about my scheme to crash the kz2 server. (Check older post). I tried logging in today but for some reason I cannot. First the bear assassination and now this...Everything is working against my team..

I have also learned that the watchmen game has been released yesterday...And with the movie being released tomorrow it all seems conveniently timed.

Conspiracy? Surely, but how are the strings connected....How I wonder...Soon...Soon it shall all be made clear.

Ali, Rishi...We'll have to lay low for a while. Who knows who might be watching...We can't risk any more lives and souls.

1 reacties:

RISHI-O said...

Yehia........message understood.........FASE ORANGE ALERT..........rerouting power to main defense systems......charging up shields............cloaking device is now enabled..................set course to rendez-vous point F...........END OF TRANSMISSION........................

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