PlayStation Trophies available in online profile.

Although this is not actually Home related, you might find the following very interesting.

From now on it is possible to view your playstation trophies online, on the website. You can now compare trophies with your friends, or just show them them to the world. Very interesting indeed, I hope we will see this feature on the EU-website(MyPSN) very soon. It would be a very nice addition to your online profile!

Click on the picture below to see the post on the US Playstion Blog.

3 reacties:

milnerant said...

thanks rish, seems u can log in anyway from a europe account and still see the trophy list. Nice, europe need this and they need to link it with the html sig image for the forums so u can show off ur platinum CodWAW trophy :)

RISHI-O said...

You know what would also be nice: integration between XMB profile, Online profile, and Home Avatar.

Things need to get merged!

Yehia18 said...

Home avatar walking along XMB.

....Pass! XD

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