Helghast troops take over Playstation Home!

The biggest Playstation game at the moment is of course Killzone 2, made by the dutch team Guerrilla Games.

To promote this shooter, our dutch moderators decided to dress up as Helghan troops.
I've had the luck of meeting these Helghasts, when i was hanging around with my english friends in Home.

Despite all rumours and stories that the Helghast are a dangerous and deadly race, we had a great time with them. I have come to the conclusion that the Helghast have gotten a bad reputation not based on facts. The Helghasts are very similar to us, they have a great sense of humour, and they can dance really good.
One of the Helghasts told me in confidence that they love stroopwafels and dutch cheese.(Stroopwafel=a dutch sweet made of crunchy wafles and sweet syrup)
This information must not get in the hands of the ISA.

So the next time you login to Home, and you happen to come across a Helghast, don't be afraid, they come in peace and try to make fun in Home. Be nice to them, and maybe they will give you a Helghan costume, although I haven't succeeded in getting one myself...

Here is a photo impression of the events that took place.

We met the Helghasts in the new resident evil space.

This Helghast didn't say much.

Everybody wanted to meet them.

Helghasts love dancing.

This is the Helghast who told me all their secrets, like the one about cheese.

The Helghast trying to open the Xi gate.

The Helghasts only came here to see our bubblemachines.

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