New layout for Blog!

Hello people!

I haven't posted anything on the blog lately, but that doesn't mean I've been doing nothing. As you can see I've made some changes to our Home Blog.

The standard layout templates provided by Blogger were kinda boring, I looked around the web and I found this template. I hope you like the new color scheme, and the new stuff I added; like the 2 news feeds, search function, and the link list.

It took me ages of tweaking the layout. CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) isn't one of my best talents, I've tried other templates I found. But this one is the one I really like, and gave me the least headaches trying to edit it.

I hope all of you guys like this new layout, DON'T TRY EDITING THIS LAYOUT! If you try and change one thing, all the other things get ruined. Feel free to comment on the changes I Made.

PS: Don't forget to TAG your messages with some keywords, in order to make the search function work properly!



1 reacties:

milnerant said...

Excellent work Mr Rishi. Shame my PS3 died of console death. This is worse than a months BAN as I cant even make another ID. Good job cos Id sooooo get banned for what Id be saying right now in Home. And the little cheeky PS3 has eaten my friggen copy of KZ2 and it wont regurgitate :|

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