Journal Entry 1: Going to crash KZ2 server

That's it, I've decided that I'm going to crash the killzone 2 server. My bear army has been assassinated. But no matter, I think I can depend on Ali and Rishi to help me take down the vile server.

To war!

6 reacties:

Anonymous said...

Im not a shooter im a driver, Rishi, wheres Rishi ? Just follow the dust trail leading away from the action...

RISHI-O said...

I wonder who posted that anonymous comment, anyways Yehia I'll help out if i can.......

Yehia18 said...

If I was a betting man I'd say it was Ali...

...Miln is too busy with Killzone 2 anyway XD

We'll plan the next step of the assault soon, Rishi...Soon.

Anonymous said...

it wasn't me i promise

Anonymous said...

Yes listen to him ^^^

Yehia18 said...

...And so the plot thickens.

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