You gotta be kidding me!? WHITE FROS!?

I shit you not. Last night while walking in the Home Square there I found a group of people in White fros. Yes White fros. Madness I tell you! Madness! Naturally I rounded up the troops and we all geared up and called the Fro Police. In a matter of minutes a force of Red Fros was assembled. I gave the battle cry and we charged the white fros.

...Only I think they didn't get the message.... Instead of submitting to the awesomeness that is the Red Fro They instead started hitting on us! And even joining the Red Fro ranks while still sporting the White Fros!

...Madness, it was, but in the end, the red fro made a point. And that is you can never replace the original red fro!

Red fro for life.

3 reacties:

milnerant said...

Btw I will be using a better camera next time, as my mobile one aint very good.

Yehia18 said...

Still better than mine XD

milnerant said...

what a great pose for the post title :)

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