Hilarious PM message!

Check this out, i had a random message. Had me laughing, its a quote from Silent Hill. I met the gal after, and kept doin silent hill quotes, was hilarious!

Look MA Im on the Telly!!

Im famous!

EDIT BY YEHIA: For the love of god! I've been trying to stop feed his ego! Why Sony!? Why did you screw all my hard work!? WHY!?

Watchmen items

As promised we got today the watchmen items (Although the watchmen clock is missing...Hmm...) Rorschach costume look ace, and the nite owl one looks...Silly.

Almost all items are for males while the females got the white and black shirts.

I think the most popular item, hands down will be the Rorschach jacket. Many are using that item separately already (including me) and it will be interesting to see how the other items are used separately also.

After all, only time will tell what wacky combo we will end up seeing.

Namco Games Area Japan..

Namco Japan
Here are a few Pics of just one of the two rooms in the Japan Home
Namco games area. Here there are gifts to be won and games to be played.
Why cant Euro have a similar area.

Lost in Translation

Why can't we get stuff like this? Rather crappy make believe weddings? Which people obviously (mentions below video) take a bit scarily too seriously (lol im not meaning Yehia, he made it interesting)..... Heres me and drvixx having a fun time. Look at the eyes bulging! And the mouth drool SHOCK

Home Wedding!

It was a blast, bride was nervous and out her mind. Miln decided to play brit, CB and Jelly was a bridesmaid and yours truly was the minister.

Here's a vid of the actual wedding without the madness that followed though!

USA Get New Clothes.

Its said "Europe is so far behind the US" and home could be no exception, so shiver me timbers and avast me hearties piracy is running amok in the US. Also the Ninjas hit town thanks to PsylockeBlink and her friends for the pics..

picture of dancing pirate courtesy of Wi3pouts

Red Bull Air Race - Rotterdam Highlights 2008

Playstation Home has a little thing called Red Bull Air Race; stunt flying taken to the MAX.

Our friend Milnerant aka wolvyant is currently the record holder with a best time of 47.75 seconds! A great achievement!

Here are some highlights of the 2008 race in Rotterdam and an introduction by former dutch Red Bull Air Race pilot Frank Versteegh. Rotterdam is my home town, and I wanted to share this with you guys, maybe you can use this in Playstation Home and beat Milnerants time.

Although the chance of beating Milnerants time is almost impossible! RESPECT!


And of course Milnerants amazing Red Bull Air Race run:

Mutants taking over Playstation Home!

I bet you've heard about the X-Men, mutants that possess special powers.

Well now it seems that mutants are taking over Playstation Home, here are some pictures of sightings of these so called Mutants. Mutants have special abilities and powers like shape-shifting, super human strength, morphing, telekinesis, mind control, X-ray vision, and so on...

This Mutant is called Ultranova, she can walk through objects like solid walls, furniture, stairs and sofa's. It has been reported that she also has the ability to turn invisible, although no proof of this claim has ever been documented. Be nice to her and she won't cause you any harm.

This creature has no name, it is a shape-shifter. Shape-shifters can change into any form that they choose, they can even steal your identity. If you ever see someone who looks just like you, don't worry the shape-shifters won't hurt you! Here are some examples of the many shapes they can turn into.

Please be advised that these mutants mean no harm to normal/mortal human beings, they are completely harmless, no need to have any fears! The mutants only use their powers against RA's!

What time is it? Red Bull time!!!!

Flying has got to be my new hobby, i never used to like heights, but now Im just addicted. Planes, planes, planes, planes, planes.

Ok so we went on a tour again, and just went to see what the time was as Red Bull was calling. Anyways, our method of transport wasnt that fast so we went looking for other modes of transport.....

The cars seemed too small, so i had to get over the fact i couldnt fly them.

oh well, drvixx will just have to do for now, shes a fast ride ;)

Street Fighter IV - Brings new clothes to Home!

The highly anticipated fighting game Street Fighter IV gives Home users new gifts, in this case new costumes and items of clothing. These can be unlocked by playing the game.

After the Namco Museum, it would seem that more games will have features adding some nice extra's for you to play with...
Here's our Top Model Silver-Surver
showing her latest clothes!

Hmmmm you rock my Stroopwafel Sil!!!

Get your tour here!

I would have thought miln would have made a blog post about this, but apparently not!

So either way, I'm not in any of the pictures but Drvixx and Miln are. They basically (Thanks to CB) found a glitch that allows them to take tours around the summer house and studio!

Ted even dropped in if you look closely at the pictures.

Have fun with the pictures.

Opps ive done it again! EGO BOOST!!!!!

4.15am Wedsnesday............ After a nice cruise ;), i just broke the world record held by me again. And a final tip.... GET WRECKED!

Potential NEW CLOTHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Had my issue of Official Playstation 3 Mag come the other day with a Home feature inside. And as you can see new clothing. I saw some of these about a month ago on the playstation.com Home site, but has since disappeared. The last one is new to me, look even the gals have different clothing, a pink bomber and summer dress.

Im liking the stubble on the bloke top right image, and the red tartan trousers (dont ask).
That last guy in the black shirt and red tie, reminds me of River Island stuff. The guy top middle pic, just looks PIMPish, cant wait for that one lol

Attack of the Homes!!!

Last night, there were several attempts to defend against the RA. There was Silv, who as you can see was on late night Home Warhawk Bowling temtping shift, which basically is another way of herding pervs and potential abuse mongers. I have tried this method a few times now, and has an excellent success rate, Britnerant got a hat trick the other day. I even got a private message saying "Im horny, hurry up" HAHA. One day I am actually going to see what these RA are like in the apartments.

Then there is the RoboHaggis look, also an excellent ploy of overturning the RA force, however this method usually needs other members, hence Imran, me and Carla dressed in snowman heads (note : females look more like scarecrows). Obviously I went for the more camp snowman, as I find this turns the RA off when they see me. Bodypop-ing on repeat on occasion is a last resort.

Other methods of RA defence is merely splitting up and running, yawn running makes a fun way of running around as people will understand. However, once split, its inevitable the brains of the RA find us again. "brain" power of the power to "see", NOT think.

Personally my method of defence is talk utter bollocks :)

Finding Wally...Delays...Delays...Delays...

Now not every one would know this, but i have hosted a Finding Wally thread.

I know its says Waldo, but it has been changed to Wally. Like someone pointed out Wally is EU while Waldo is US. Either way, it was planned to have another go 2 weeks ago. But due to events not working correctly i had to delay. I was planning for yesterday but it was Valentines day so I had to delay.

And now I look at my clues and check if they still there I discover they changed certain things rendering my clues useless. I have to make the clues all over again. And with college I'm busy most of the time...Eventually, I'll get my act together, but for now, I see no foreseeable date for the next event.

Valentine's Day on Home...Perfect.

Now I should perhaps first of all mention what was up on Valentines day. Well loads basically. But most notable perhaps is that MB announced that on Valentines day the mod team will roam Home and take pictures with us. There was one condition though. You had to sport pink hair!

Naturally, Carla made an event of her own. And it was simply great. We all ended up in her club house (Although due to some technical problems it took a while for others to join) Eventually Ted joined us too. He also gave us a kind of Q$A ;). From the things we learned from him are these two.

1. They working on music, most probably streaming music like in youtube.

Also, there are loads of improvements expected for Home. Game Launching to be coming along nicely. A comment Ted said was that even the most pessimistic people would be impressed. That has to be good, right!?

Either way, it was a blast, loads of LBP tracks where played and a big hit was the PSP ad.

All in all, it was a blast :)

Today in Furry Daily!

Furry the Ripper strikes again!

Furry the ripper has attacked once more close to where furry Yehia lives. It is rumored that he might next aim to get Yehia's furry partner! Look our for your furry partner!

In other news, furchavs have been causing chaos to the free furry highway. With anti-Furry symbols drawn along the track!

Caution within these hard times are required.

World Record Breaker Red Bull!

Ok, so I just broke the world record time for Red Bull. Sleep deprivation seems to help.

Things to do when you don't know what to do, but really do know. Except knowing how you do isn't how you don't?

A few things to do when you seriously are bored-er than watching paint dry on a wall (except i actually find that fascinating, its true)

Talk to the Mannequins, no one even seems to notice they are there sometimes, and most people don't know they actually talk back sometimes in yellow writing. Weird though, they all have the same names.

Then there is of course the absolutely pointless Far Cry Office area which comes complete with piles of books, an unwashed filthy mattress. Delightful scenery through the blinds. A locked door. More blinds with stunning views. A few benches. All at the same time you feel so overwhelmed with claustrophobia you want to jump out of the blinded windows and peg it towards the chairs outside for something to do. Other things to see are the Ra, they are everywhere in the Office, mainly around the disgustingly stained bed. Now I know where they all spawn from!

So, all this detail wasted in a little office, so much to see, yet absolutely nothing to do whatsoever.

You gotta be kidding me!? WHITE FROS!?

I shit you not. Last night while walking in the Home Square there I found a group of people in White fros. Yes White fros. Madness I tell you! Madness! Naturally I rounded up the troops and we all geared up and called the Fro Police. In a matter of minutes a force of Red Fros was assembled. I gave the battle cry and we charged the white fros.

...Only I think they didn't get the message.... Instead of submitting to the awesomeness that is the Red Fro They instead started hitting on us! And even joining the Red Fro ranks while still sporting the White Fros!

...Madness, it was, but in the end, the red fro made a point. And that is you can never replace the original red fro!

Red fro for life.

Case: 58399, Bubble Abuse

Bubble abuse is becoming more and more common in and around the Home platform. Its a new craze wiping people out unnexpectedly.

What happens is basically, the victim is seen to wait until they have 'fallen asleep' or 'back soon'. Then the Bubble Abuser/s make their move, and plant their abuse weapon in extreme range of the said victim. Unfortunately there is nothing to stop this craze from happening, you can tell this victim in particular is a rare case of multiple bubbles attacking.

If anyone see's or knows anything of these new sitings, or have witnessed such vile attacks, please report the case to the HSI (Home Scene Investigation)

Thanks to RISH-O for this witness photo. (my bubble machine is mid-right, cough*)

Another Day, Another random time.

It started off with me losing a game in the chess tournament I was taking part of, I was winning too but then par usual lost focus and all went to hell from there on. Either way, I lost, I lose focus, I lost interest and simply got bored. Nothing new there if I'm completely honest.

During the game though I was getting spammed with invites, and for good reason about 10 or more of us had gathered together. And of course, with such a large group of us in one spot. It was hard to follow. The topics spanned from emos to valentines day event and so on, I must admit though, one of the topics did in fact bother me but sometimes you have to throw your hands up in the air and just say "So what".

That said you'll see in the picture both Milnerant and myself. Yes, I dressed as an emo at the pitful attempt of making fun of the extremely hard lives they all lead. I should not at all say anything about it or they may cut themselves. I am sorry for their pain and sorrow and heartbreaking. It's all too much to bear!

...It's fun though ;)

The power of RA compells you!

Abuser :

Someone who is a danger to human beings. Abuse can take many different forms. Abusers can use prolonged abuse tactics over a long period of time to try to control, harm or damage someones reputation and/or to physically or psychologically harm them. 'Example' Abuser- Vitale opened websites about his victim. He tries to manipulate relationships, degrades and uses psychological torture and verbal insults to taunt people. Also uses stalking as a control tool. He is an abuser.

Random :

The latest buzzword used amongst mindless teenagers as a way of showing just so utterly irreverent their predictable sense of humour is. Particularly dominant among English teens and University students, the word "random" or the act of being "random" is a desperate plea for others to recognise how totally against the grain of the norm you are and that you're really crazy and out there. Trouble is, being "random" is predictable, boring, moronic and extremely sad indeed.