Tekken 6 Home Unlockables

I platinumed Tekken 6 and unlocked 2 T-Shirts, a Long sleeved top and an arcade machine :D

Santa Claws

PlayStation®Home Picture 2-11-2009 11-23-46
Originally uploaded by wolvyant

Be warned, there is a new baddy in Home town. Santa Claws. I am hoping to use this as inspiration for the Flickr held competition to win a PSPgo. All I need now is a story to go with it...

Playstation Home Halloween event

Following the recent Dizzee Rascal Home event. Held on the 31st (Halloween) members of the Home community celebrated in style wearing all new designed halloween costumes.

I (milnerant) was not present, but hear all went well down in the Burn Zombie Burn Space. People who turned up were welcomed to free Pumpkin Head, as long as they purchased a costume from the Alter Ego Store in the Shopping Center.

RISHI-O was nice enough to have took some snaps of the event. And posted them in the official Playstation forums.

Jeeper's Reeper's

Jeeper's Reeper's
Originally uploaded by wolvyant
A big thanks to Dantheman who sent me a code, without me even asking for it. Like the hoody, looks rather Dementor like.

Xi ending - Video's

Xi has officially come to a DISAPPOINTING end! At least that is what I feel! Xi did not end with a BANG, but with some video's which u can see here:

The ending of Xi - Here's how!

Most of us have been playing Xi in playstation home, gathering fragments and butterflies. Our quest is almost over. Everyone is wondering how Xi will end, well I have the answers for you, I found this on the playstation forum, but that thread has been deleted.

Original deleted thread:
SPOILERS XI Complete reward pics SPOILERS - PlayStation®Home - Xi - Official PlayStation Community -PlayStation.com

Thank goodness I still have the pictures of the gifts you receive in my temporary internet files. Some people have hacked Xi and gotten all the fragments and butterflies, so here are the pictures, and the Youtube video to proove it!

Playstation Home Q&A

Playstation Home Q&A
Originally uploaded by wolvyant
I was invited as a witness in Home's first Q&A. Drvixx was chosen as the host to ask 10 questions to the Home Community manager 'TedTheDog' & Dan Hill (PSN:drexl, Home Business Manager)

It went very well & enjoyed the process, even got to have my say on a few things. Love the duck, has some symbolic meaning for me, as I am a renowned virtual Duck killer ;)

( I think I look the best ironed out of the males ;))

Please join the Playstation Home Flickr group. Lot's of images from the recent Q&A's from the Star Trek And Watchmen events with the cast and production crew/director.

Playstation Home Flickr group

(I also Moderate the group now)

Resistance 2 mini-game reward

Originally uploaded by wolvyant
I won the Hoody last night playing the mini-game in Resistance 2 space in Home. Basically you have to get over 1 million points to unlock it. There are 2 versions, 1 male, 1 female.

My advice is to observe where the enemy ships spawn from. Make sure you fir ahead of where the planes are flying, then every time the delivery crafts approac, you must always try and get them to deliver the health and ammo. The ammo is most important to kill off the mother ship.

There are 4 types of waves. After the first 4, it changes slightly, however the spawns are the same, but the speed of the ships gets quicker.

Pimp my Avatar does Vampire!

Originally uploaded by wolvyant
Here's a new avatar i made using the new beards and clothing in Home. Looks like vamp from Metal Gear Solid!

Dora is my Explorer

So I just received Dora the Explorer : Saves the Snow Princess! I'm thrilled! However I can't play it as I have no PS2 (60gb died, I now have 80gb, *shame*)

I will treasure the game in it's brand newness glory, may even frame it :)

Star Trek Night On Home - Part 1

Sony Pictures recently released a new Star Trek Movie, to celibrate that fact some cool Star Trek outfits are available in the Shopping Centre, and the best thing about it is: they are FREE!

Sunday May 10th was also the day you could get hold of some Star Trek goodies at the Star Trek Night, during this event some unique clothing were given away. All you had to do is wear your Star Trek outfit, and look at the posters in the Home Square. There you could find a code, which you could use to get new items.

Here is an impression of the events that took place on that day:

Trekkie convention!

Officer Yehia18 reporting for duty

StarFleet inspection

Form a line!


Commander RISHI-O on the bridge!

RISHI-O: does this uniform make me look fat?


Star Trek Night On Home - Part 2

This is Part 2 of the Star Trek Night on Home!!!

Star Trek Running Man Line

Yehia18 looking at jellyhead26's warpcoils!

RISHI-O is the commanding officer, obviously!

Ultranova1983 our medical officer

My faithfull crewmembers: G-Net1969 and jellyhead26

These are my Afro security officers

More of my crewmembers

Second in command: milnerant


Ode to a RA..

This little group of words appeard on the EU.Playstation forum one saturday morning, by request it has been posted here, thanks for the comments from all who's posted in reply on there.. so without much more further ado, i present to all users of this blog with a special one off verse added just for this Blog..


Its midday when i awake
PS3's still on "oh great"
I fell asleep in front of it
in hub i thinks where i left it.

A user there in front of me
trying hard to talk to me
because i havent answerd him
he gets quite rude and calls me him

he asked me twice if i like sex
he asks again "do you like sex"
then he says i am a bum
and that he wants to do my mum.

I stand infront of him quite quiet
laughing hard its such a riot
to see this fool in front of me
im laughing still i need a wee

are you gay he says to me
you girl in home so you must be
a guy that likes to be a girl
so friends you make in such a whirl

Im not a man my point you see
we are all what we want to be
a boy a girl who really it doesnt scare
as long as friends you make are there

Oh my god here comes another
does he want to do my mother
no he stops and says to him
where you from im full of gin

had a night out on the razzle
come back in home to cause some trouble
i still standing there so very quiet
Home is such a flippin riot

Who's this bint do you know her
you look nice you shave your fur
lick my nuts you silly moo
Bloody hell he's full of Poo

The friends ive met since ive been here
are stretched a far to some quite near
i hope one day we all can meet
throw a party that cant be beat.

I hope to see you guys quite soon
until that time lets make some room
for the RA in square and hub
just let them have their little rub.

RISHI-O's new PS3 Theme v6!

Hello everyone!

I have recently updated my own custom made PS3 Theme, and now I'm gonna give you the chance to test drive it, and try it out for yourself! I hope you will like it!!!

Click on the preview image, to take a closer look.

You can Download my Theme HERE!!!

PROOF! My PS3 has a poltergesit/or is that Helgheist?

Managed to get on Home for a few hours last night all in the knowledge I was on an egg-timer. Was so sad to see my 'new' refurb die slow painfully. I mean 2 days! I have an 80GB refurb on its way now, comes Wednesday (can't wait to see the exact same delivery man, he's the one delivered every refurb I have had/yet)

So took a few photos of the dodgy PS3. Firstly a dusty hardrive, then saw some pixie dust on the screen. Crashes randomly (a LOT). And finally the best thing, some The Ring inspired goings on.....

And so...Yehia's BACK!!!

A lot has happened since I last left, it's been a simple and boring month but now it' finally over...That said...

I'm BACK!!!!!!!!


YEHIA it's good that your back buddy, we all missed you!

HI5 from us all!!!

Meet my new HERO ROB, he gave people more than 2000 HI5's in 45 minutes! ENJOY!

SanjeevBlitz and RISHI-O's HI5 Party! PART 1

SanjeevBlitz of the dutch Playstation forum and me, decided to give a party in HOME.
The theme of the party was; HI5.

Why this theme you might ask? Well SanjeevBlitz is the creator of the HI5 on Home and on Killzone 2, he's a member of the PSF clan, the clan for dutch Moderators and dutch forum members. With a little help from dutch moderator aka_Nero, SanjeevBlitz has made the HI5 the hottest word on Home and Killzone 2! During the night, we had to move the party on the roof, soon after that dutch moderator markaveli81 joined us an showed us his party animal moves! Here is a photo-impression of the events that took place:

The beginning, dutch MVP forkless quickly joined the party

jeffkeuh had some questions

RISHI-O loves free stuff

SanjeevBlitz was trying to impress the ladies

No comment needed!


I hope you like a man in uniform?

Godfather SanjeevBlitz

A tribute to our favorite moderator aka_Nero


SanjeevBlitz and RISHI-O's HI5 Party! PART 2

This is PART 2 of "SanjeevBlitz and RISHI-O's HI5 Party!"

The party had to be moved onto the roof

dutch moderator markaveli81 showing off his dancemoves

english MVP Carla_Birch joined us late in the night

RISHI-O's lovely bodyguards; Born_from_a_wish and BluSwirl

The roof,the roof is on fire...

...we dont need no water...

jellyhead26 and Xx-Sugar-xX love cheese!

Wip3outs Ahhhrrrr Matey, shiver me timbers

I would like to thank you all for making this party such a great succes!

Many thanks to you all:

SanjeevBlitz, forkless, Yehia18, Godsgift1888, hybrid-leader, jeffkeuh, Wip3outs, Chris_D, ivancjm, cain1974, satuli, Beany84, Pongo86, Carla_Birch, jellyhead26, Xx-Sugar-xX, Born_from_a_wish, markaveli81, Kitty-Wali, BluSwirl