SanjeevBlitz and RISHI-O's HI5 Party! PART 2

This is PART 2 of "SanjeevBlitz and RISHI-O's HI5 Party!"

The party had to be moved onto the roof

dutch moderator markaveli81 showing off his dancemoves

english MVP Carla_Birch joined us late in the night

RISHI-O's lovely bodyguards; Born_from_a_wish and BluSwirl

The roof,the roof is on fire...

...we dont need no water...

jellyhead26 and Xx-Sugar-xX love cheese!

Wip3outs Ahhhrrrr Matey, shiver me timbers

I would like to thank you all for making this party such a great succes!

Many thanks to you all:

SanjeevBlitz, forkless, Yehia18, Godsgift1888, hybrid-leader, jeffkeuh, Wip3outs, Chris_D, ivancjm, cain1974, satuli, Beany84, Pongo86, Carla_Birch, jellyhead26, Xx-Sugar-xX, Born_from_a_wish, markaveli81, Kitty-Wali, BluSwirl


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