New stuff for Home in 2009!

Ok just thought i would make a run down of what we have to look foward too in 2009 aka Homes year.

We'll start with spaces:

We have the Guitar Hero Space coming to EU shortly.
We also have the Godfather II space coming to home aswell.

And we have the EA Sports complex to look foward too in the near future to.

The following is a list of Spaces that are also confirmed by TedTheDog as well as 1 or 2 more things to look foward to.

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Space
This is currently being worked on and we hope to release this for you within a few weeks
This Space is also nearly ready but a specific date for its release is not yet available, but we are expecting it within a few weeks.
Siren: Blood Curse & Resident Evil 5, Warhawk
Content for all of these have arrived here and are being prepared for SCEE's audience now. We will bring you more information on these as it becomes available.
Game Launching
Many titles are preparing support for Game Launching but this often requires a patch to their title. It is not our intention to be announcing new releases and patches to other titles here in the Home community but hope to bring you news in the coming weeks.
Music within Home
Playing your own music to others within Home is an extremely complex licensing issue that will take time to solve, if it is at all possible.In the meantime we are investigating various ways of allowing you to play your own music to yourself. We are also talking to other 3rd parties about making their music available to you in various ways.

There is also the Resistance Space too look foward to (Sorry no Pics)
and the unconfirmed but strongly rumoured Little Big Planet and Killzone 2 Spaces
aswell as the eagerly awaited return of the Events Space, and the solving of Xi.

Now to apartments:

Now my favourite is the Penthouse apartment XD,
although furniture in motorstorm apartment would be funny.
I'm not 100% on these apartments but hopefully they do come
or we may get totally new ones either way we are due them.

Shopping Centre Wise
Ok we all know that we are in for a treat content wise
as we know we have the MySoti Competition starting soon with the MySoti shopping centre store.

^^^User created idea's^^^

and as confirmed by MusterBuster there are over 100 items being tested for home right now.

There is also the 1.20 client update to look foward too which will bring us the long awaited picture frames soon after.
There is still the possibility of the pool tables being available for our apartments whichc is good.
And finally Voice Chat will return publicly to Home at some point in 2009 as confirmed by Locust_Star the us Home specialist.

So as you can see 2009 and home looks to be a great year so i hope you can join with other community member's for the ride XD!


Added TAGS, embedded YOUTUBE video, added proper hyperlinks, spelling corrections, and added links to profiles of Moderators. Great work GiGi!!!!

EDIT by milnerant :
@ RISHI-O the edit/info is all dutch to me now ;) Im guessing I have to reset to English? I dont mind a bit of dutch, but its dutch.

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