This is a BREAKING NEWS story, brought to you by the Playstation Home Blog:

There seem to be unconfirmed rumors, of milnerant getting his PS3 back from Sony!
So far none of this has been confirmed officially, we will continue to keep you up to date with the latest news concerning this major event.

UPDATE (19.20 Dutch Time):
An anonymous source is claiming that he spoke to Milnerant on MSN, and he seems to have said that his PS3 has arrived. More will follow...

UPDATE (19.25 Dutch Time):
Reporter RISHI-O has confirmed and has spoken to Milnerant, who has now officially confirmed earlier rumors are TRUE!

UPDATE (19.28 Dutch Time):
Milnerant has said he is very happy and can not stop jumping from happiness.

UPDATE (19.35 Dutch Time):
Unpacking the PS3 seems to be a pain in the ass, bubblewrap and sticky tape are so far not helping........Sabotage by the Sony Repair team, seems to be the blame!

UPDATE (19.40 Dutch Time):
Sony have officially confirmed the arrival of Milnerants PS3, on the packaging question, Sony thus far had no comment.

UPDATE (19.41 Dutch Time):
Open heart surgery has begun, milnerants PS3 will have to get a Harddisk Drive Transplantation............further statements will take place in due time!

UPDATE (19.42 Dutch Time):
Bubble wrap and sticky tape manafucturer has made the following comment on an emergency press conference:

"We are happy the hear Mr. Milnerant has finally received his PS3 from Sony. But we will not be held responsible for any damage or unpleasantness caused by Sony's NOOBLIKE use of their packaging products. We wish Mr. Milnerant a happy future and we wish him lots of luck playing on his PS3!"

UPDATE (19.49 Dutch Time):
Surgeons have confirmed the Harddisk Drive Transplantation was a success! The patient has been moved to Intensive Care, and is awaiting System Recovery and restore.
The only thing we can do now is Hope and Pray that the patient treatment has been a complete succes.

UPDATE (19.55 Dutch Time):
PS3 seems operational, downloading firmware...........and recovering items.

UPDATE (19.56 Dutch Time):
Sony has released a statement, which says that Sony feels the packaging has met all requirements regarding the standard procedures, Sony can not be bothered that NOOBS like milnerant can't even open a simple package, without it taking so much time! It took him more than 15 minutes to open the box, a normal person would have done it in about 2 minutes!

UPDATE (19.58 Dutch Time):
The world media has now thought up a new name for this whole matter:

From now on this will be referred to as; "Bubble-Wrap and Sticky Tape-GATE"

UPDATE (20.01 Dutch Time):
Milnerant is starting to get Congratulations from all over the world!

Reporter RISHI-O has personally congratulated milnerant, saying the following:

"This is not only a good day for milnerant, but it's a good day for HOME and the entire Playstation Community! We are so happy for Milnerant, and we all hope he will have a good time enjoying his PS3!"


UPDATE (19.12 UK Time):
Seems the heart transplant went ok, however there are issues with the brain remembering its PSN details. There is an error message when attempting sign-up/existing user. This has caused me (milnerant) intense shock. :o

UPDATE (19.15 UK Time):
In desperationg, I am now restoring the hard drive data from the external patient. However this process is longer than imagined. It is now 19:25 UK time, and currently 31% success rate. Outlook is too early to tell. More info on that soon.

UPDATE (19.20 UK Time):
Seems The President has been attempting to congratulate me, however due to excitement issues, the call had to be held over to my secretary answer machine. Im expecting the queen to phone next giving me the official title "Sir Red Bull : milnerant"
I am still currently trying to remain unshocked at the error message horror. I can only assume I have been banned. This is what PSN does to you, paranoia!

UPDATE (19.28 UK Time):
miln is currently praying towards the psp as a saviour to YLOD victims. If the operation is not successful this will be going to Watchdog and also Trading Standards, and also Amazon maybe getting involved (this is in extreme measures, which I can only be in favor of, as I am A WINNER!)

2 reacties:

Anonymous said...

My word!
He's back!!!

milnerant said...

Not yet, don't get my hopes up, I can hear thunder now, Im shitting my pants, 60% complete and Im begging mother nature to steer west. says 13 minutes, if it dies, Im going to sue God for creating the weather system (and will take out mother nature with him)

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