USA Get New Clothes.

Its said "Europe is so far behind the US" and home could be no exception, so shiver me timbers and avast me hearties piracy is running amok in the US. Also the Ninjas hit town thanks to PsylockeBlink and her friends for the pics..

picture of dancing pirate courtesy of Wi3pouts

4 reacties:

milnerant said...

I actually saw these in person other day and tbh I am more excited for the Watchmen clothes and store update this Thursday! Infact the pirate costume looks disappointing. Also there is a Tuxedo in USA and even that looks poo.

RISHI-O said...

I'm afraid that these new costumes are gonna lead to more crossdressing in Home!!!


Yehia18 said...

I see cleavage in them pirate costumes. ARGH! ^_#

milnerant said...

seein them in person is like 'whooor' real life boobs! Like total pixel boob action, I wonder if they wobble?

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