Potential NEW CLOTHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Had my issue of Official Playstation 3 Mag come the other day with a Home feature inside. And as you can see new clothing. I saw some of these about a month ago on the playstation.com Home site, but has since disappeared. The last one is new to me, look even the gals have different clothing, a pink bomber and summer dress.

Im liking the stubble on the bloke top right image, and the red tartan trousers (dont ask).
That last guy in the black shirt and red tie, reminds me of River Island stuff. The guy top middle pic, just looks PIMPish, cant wait for that one lol

1 reacties:

RISHI-O said...

Great Find, I have seen these clothes before in one of the dutch newspapers. In an advertisement for Sony's PSN.

I hope we get some of these clothes very soon, I need a new wardrobe!

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