Missed Monday Night Quiz Night, Again!

Today is Monday, and for some reason I decided to absolutely neglect the fact that on this very day was the MVP Quiz Night. This is the second time in a row I do this! I'm quite disappointed as the couple of nights that I DID attend where in fact quite fun and worth showing up to.

So naturally, my sheer jealousy of those who joined made me end up going to the event thread, as usual it seems as if the same format took place with lots of randomness ensured. Black13 ended up winning.

Carl_Birch was also kind enough to allow me to use some of the pictures off that thread.

(Click on images to enlarge)

6 reacties:

milnerant said...

I got 2 points last week

silver said...

They are fun i agree but unless you have a keyboard then its a waste of time.
What Vikki should do is give the first person who types the word BUZZ the opportunity to answer.

Yehia18 said...

But wouldn't typing in the world buzz in it self take time?

milnerant said...

considering everyone will write PUZZ whilst Vikki asks the questions. Its a matter of pressing enter!

milnerant said...

Buzz even

silver said...

Yes but at least it gives someone else the opportunity to answer instead of the usual suspects, and vikki should make it clear that no one is to have their speech bubble active whilst she asks the question.
The quiz night is fun but it needs to be different to keep it fresh other wise the same people will be winning it all the time.
i`m not ranting and its not sour grapes either, as you know ranting and sour grapes are RA traits.

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