Attack of the Homes!!!

Last night, there were several attempts to defend against the RA. There was Silv, who as you can see was on late night Home Warhawk Bowling temtping shift, which basically is another way of herding pervs and potential abuse mongers. I have tried this method a few times now, and has an excellent success rate, Britnerant got a hat trick the other day. I even got a private message saying "Im horny, hurry up" HAHA. One day I am actually going to see what these RA are like in the apartments.

Then there is the RoboHaggis look, also an excellent ploy of overturning the RA force, however this method usually needs other members, hence Imran, me and Carla dressed in snowman heads (note : females look more like scarecrows). Obviously I went for the more camp snowman, as I find this turns the RA off when they see me. Bodypop-ing on repeat on occasion is a last resort.

Other methods of RA defence is merely splitting up and running, yawn running makes a fun way of running around as people will understand. However, once split, its inevitable the brains of the RA find us again. "brain" power of the power to "see", NOT think.

Personally my method of defence is talk utter bollocks :)

2 reacties:

silver said...

Being a 70s child i was brought up on "one man as his dog", phil drabble was a god lol.
and the idea of herding together RA into a pen (bowling alley) stems from way back.
Myself and Jelly tot have bagged some prize catches but carla is still the premiership top scorer, for now anyway.
The best one for me was last night, a RA followed me to the door and then said to me will you add me and i said yes i`ll add you, and off he went, me and jelly were howling with laughter.

milnerant said...

hahaha, its great fun innit. I do agree though Carla is a true pro, walking sexily slowely to tempt them away. And the stop and point, then the "come here" animation works a treat. Shame you can't do it as a male avatar. But how thick are the RA breed lmao. I really hope they don't fix that bug, its our way of clearing a server

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